Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

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Session Overview
Date: Monday, 12/Aug/2024
Opening Ceremony
Location: Audimax
Tukey Lecture - Mihaela van der Schaar
Location: Audimax
Coffee Break
Location: Foyer Audimax
.IPS 14: Mean-field Games and Games on Networks
Location: HID
.IPS 31: Robust Statistics and Data Depth
Location: HZO 20
.IPS 39: Spatiotemporal Statistics and Time Series
Location: HZO 30
.IPS 42: High Dimensional Graphical Models
Location: HZO 10
.IPS 49: Scaling Limits of Random Trees
Location: ID 04/471+459
.OCPS 18: Percolation and Growth Processes: Long Range, Metastability, Random Environment
Location: ID 03/471+463
.OCPS 19: Bayesian Inference for Rank and Preference Data
Location: HZO 40
.OCPS 28: Randomization-Based Inference and Experimental Design
Location: HZO 60
.OCPS 29: Malliavin Calculus and Its Applications
Location: ID 03/445
.OCPS 32: Recent Advances in Goodness-of-fit and Model Validity Tests
Location: HZO 50
CPS 02: Game Theory
Location: ID 04/413
CPS 08: Limit theorems for dependent data
Location: ID 04/401
CPS 17: Inverse Problems
Location: HZO 70
CPS 28: Statistics for Random Graphs 1
Location: ID 04/445
CPS 45: Statistics in High Dimensions
Location: HZO 80
CPS 50: Neural Networks
Location: HZO 90
CPS 61: Data Privacy
Location: HZO 100
Lunch Break
Location: Mensa
.IPS 02: Discrete-Time Markov Chains
Location: ID 04/471+459
.IPS 19: Large Deviations in Random Graphs and Networks
Location: HID
.IPS 30: Advances in Functional Data Analysis
Location: HZO 10
.IPS 35: Classification and Clustering
Location: HZO 20
.IPS 38: Bayesian Nonparametric Statistics
Location: HZO 30
.OCPS 02: New Perspectives on Causal Reasoning and Inference
Location: HZO 40
.OCPS 26: Risk Measures and Applications: Recent Advancements
Location: HZO 50
.OCPS 30: Hyperuniform Point Processes
Location: ID 03/471+463
.OCPS 34: Algebraic Statistics and Graphical Models (Part I)
Location: HZO 60
.OCPS 48: Stochastic Epidemic Models
Location: ID 03/445
CPS 03: Change Point Analysis
Location: HZO 70
CPS 14: Particle Systems
Location: ID 04/413
CPS 24: Stochastic Processes
Location: ID 04/401
CPS 36: Survival Analysis
Location: HZO 80
CPS 46: Permutation and Resampling
Location: HZO 90
CPS 57: Entropy and Statistical Distances
Location: ID 04/445
CPS 63: Non-Euclidean Data
Location: HZO 100
Coffee Break
Location: Foyer Audimax
Doob Lecture - Pablo A. Ferrari
Location: Audimax
Medallion Lecture - Marc Hallin
Location: Audimax
IMS Presidential Address & Awards Ceremony
Location: Audimax
Welcome Reception
Location: Foyer Audimax
Date: Tuesday, 13/Aug/2024
Bernoulli Lecture - Emmanuel Candes
Location: Audimax
Laplace Lecture - Xihong Lin
Location: Audimax
Coffee Break
Location: Foyer Audimax
.IPS 07: High-Dimensional Probability
Location: HID
.IPS 18: Random Spatial Systems
Location: ID 04/471+459
.IPS 20: Integrable Systems
Location: ID 03/471+463
.IPS 25: Missing values
Location: HZO 20
.IPS 36: Optimal Transport and Statistics
Location: HZO 10
.IPS 46: Bernoulli Society New Researchers Award Session
Location: HZO 30
.OCPS 01: Recent Developments in Tail-Robust Estimation and Inference
Location: HZO 40
.OCPS 16: Modern Topics in Branching Processes
Location: ID 04/445
.OCPS 17: Qualitative Behavior of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
Location: ID 04/401
.OCPS 25: New Trends in Approximate Sampling
Location: ID 03/445
.OCPS 33: Rank-Based Measures and Tests of Dependence
Location: HZO 50
.OCPS 42: Random Matrices and High-Dimensional Statistics
Location: HZO 60
CPS 06: Time Series Analysis 1
Location: HZO 70
CPS 09: Mixed Models, Bayesian Networks and Instrument Variables
Location: HZO 80
CPS 11: Markov Chains
Location: ID 03/419
CPS 25: Nonparametric Estimation
Location: HZO 90
CPS 26: Point Processes and Stein's Method
Location: ID 04/413
CPS 48: Classification
Location: HZO 100
Lunch Break
Location: Mensa
.IPS 01: Recent Developments in Reinforcement Learning
Location: HZO 10
.IPS 03: SPDEs in Fluid Dynamics
Location: HID
.IPS 04: Non-Reversible MCMC
Location: ID 04/471+459
.IPS 05: Stein's Method and its Applications
Location: ID 03/471+463
.IPS 37: Causal Inference
Location: HZO 20
.OCPS 09: Optimal Measure Transport in Statistical Inference
Location: HZO 30
.OCPS 22: Gibbs Measures - Continuum and Discrete
Location: ID 03/445
.OCPS 35: Algebraic Statistics and Graphical Models (Part II)
Location: HZO 60
.OCPS 39: Fighting the Curse: Inference for High-Dimensional Statistical Problems in Random Matrix Theory
Location: HZO 40
.OCPS 43: Advances in Non-Stationary and High-Dimensional Time Series
Location: HZO 50
CPS 04: Extremes
Location: ID 04/413
CPS 10: Branching Processes
Location: ID 04/445
CPS 37: Robust Statistics 1
Location: HZO 70
CPS 40: High-dimensional Regression
Location: HZO 80
CPS 47: Forecasting
Location: HZO 90
CPS 52: Concentration of Measure and Large Deviations
Location: ID 04/401
CPS 62: Statistics for Epidemic Models
Location: HZO 100
Coffee Break
Location: Foyer Audimax
Wald Lecture - Peter Lukas Bühlmann
Location: Audimax
Bernoulli Society 50 Year Celebration and GA
Location: VZ
Date: Wednesday, 14/Aug/2024
Kolmogorov Lecture - Rafal Latala
Location: Audimax
Medallion Lecture - Chunming Zhang
Location: Audimax
Coffee Break
Location: Foyer Audimax
.IPS 15: New Aspects of Spin Systems
Location: HID
.IPS 16: Combinatorial Statistics
Location: ID 04/471+459
.IPS 17: PDE with Random Data
Location: ID 03/471+463
.IPS 32: Advances in Extreme-Value Analysis
Location: HZO 10
.IPS 40: Tensor Data
Location: HZO 20
.OCPS 08: Resampling Methods and Structural Disorders
Location: HZO 30
.OCPS 11: Asymptotic Theory of Random Processes and Fields
Location: ID 04/445
.OCPS 13: Stein's Method and Random Graphs
Location: ID 03/445
.OCPS 27: Challenges in High-Dimensional and Functional Time Series
Location: HZO 40
.OCPS 51: Inference in the Life and Social Sciences for Small Sample Sizes with Little or no Assumptions
Location: HZO 50
.OCPS 52: Recent Advances in Bayesian Computation
Location: HZO 60
CPS 15: Percolation
Location: ID 04/401
CPS 16: Statistics based on Trees and Forests
Location: HZO 70
CPS 22: Statistics for Stochastic Processes 1
Location: HZO 80
CPS 30: Dynamical Models from Science and Economy 1
Location: ID 04/413
CPS 38: Robust Statistics 2
Location: HZO 90
CPS 49: Hypothesis Testing
Location: HZO 100
Lunch Break
Location: Mensa
.IPS 08: High-Dimensional Statistical Inference
Location: HZO 10
.IPS 13: Rough Paths in Data Science
Location: ID 04/471+459
.IPS 27: Transfer Learning for Heterogeneous Data
Location: HZO 30
.IPS 34: Advances in Environmental and Ecological Statistics: Insights and Methods across Weather, Climate, Health, and Beyond
Location: HZO 20
.IPS 43: Khintchin's LIL Centennial Session
Location: HID
.OCPS 04: Recent Advances in Distributional Regression
Location: HZO 50
.OCPS 12: Network Stochastic Processes
Location: ID 03/471+463
.OCPS 36: Frontiers in Adaptive Experimentation
Location: HZO 70
.OCPS 38: Randomness on Trees and Random Trees
Location: ID 03/445
.OCPS 46: Probabilistic Forecast Verification
Location: HZO 60
.OCPS 53: Stochastic PDEs: Long Time Behavior and Regularization by Noise
Location: ID 04/445
CPS 05: Functional Data Analysis 1
Location: HZO 80
CPS 12: Causality 1
Location: HZO 40
CPS 19: Stochastic Differential Equations 1
Location: ID 04/401
CPS 35: Multiple Testing
Location: HZO 90
CPS 44: Bayesian Statistics
Location: HZO 100
CPS 51: Point Processes and Stochastic Geometry
Location: ID 04/413
Coffee Break
Location: Foyer Audimax
.PS: Probability
Location: Foyer Audimax
ERC: European Research Council Information Session
Location: HID
PS 01: Statistics: Change point detection
Location: Foyer Audimax
PS 02: Statistics: Graphical models
Location: Foyer Audimax
PS 03: Statistics: "Geometry & Statistics
Location: Foyer Audimax
PS 04: Statistics: FDA
Location: Foyer Audimax
PS 05: Statistic: Baysian Approach
Location: Foyer Audimax
PS 06: Statistics: Model Selection
Location: Foyer Audimax
PS 07: Statistics:Time Series and Dependence
Location: Foyer Audimax
PS 08: Statistics: Neuronal Networks/Deep Learning
Location: Foyer Audimax
PS 09: Statistics: Regression
Location: Foyer Audimax
PS 10: Statistics: Testing Noises and Independence
Location: Foyer Audimax
PS 11: Statistics: Biostatistics 1
Location: Foyer Audimax
PS 12: Statistics: Biostatistics 2
Location: Foyer Audimax
PS 13: Statistics: Applied Statistics
Location: Foyer Audimax
PS 14: Statistics: Abstract & Computational Statistics
Location: Foyer Audimax
PS 15: Statistics: Non-parametric Statistics
Location: Foyer Audimax
PS 16: Statistics: Ranks and Classification
Location: Foyer Audimax
PS 17: Statistics: General Topics 1
Location: Foyer Audimax
PS 18: Statistics: General Topics 2
Location: Foyer Audimax
Conference Dinner
Location: Mensa
Date: Thursday, 15/Aug/2024
Lévy Lecture - Rongfeng Sun
Location: Audimax
Schramm Lecture - Nina Holden
Location: Audimax
Coffee Break
Location: Foyer Audimax
.IPS 21: Modern Applications of Filtering and Numerical Methods
Location: ID 04/471+459
.IPS 26: Change Point Analysis
Location: HZO 10
.IPS 33: Statistics on Manifolds/Non-Euclidean Statistics
Location: HZO 20
.IPS 48: Probabilistic Methods in Geometry
Location: HID
.OCPS 23: Statistical Methods for High-Dimensional Data
Location: HZO 50
.OCPS 41: Building upon Distance Correlation: New Techniques in Measuring and Detecting Dependence
Location: HZO 60
.OCPS 44: Nonparametric Statistics
Location: HZO 30
.OCPS 47: Stochastic Modelling of Dormancy
Location: ID 03/445
.OCPS 54: Multivariate Count Data Time Series
Location: HZO 40
.OCPS 55: Some Recent Advances in Causal Inference
Location: HZO 70
CPS 01: Copulas and Dependence 1
Location: HZO 80
CPS 20: Stochastic Differential Equations 2
Location: ID 04/445
CPS 42: Spectral Analysis of Random Matrices
Location: ID 04/401
CPS 43: Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods
Location: HZO 90
CPS 54: Discrete Probability
Location: ID 04/413
CPS 64: Optimal Design and randomized controlled trials
Location: HZO 100
Lunch Break
Location: Mensa
.IPS 09: Branching and Interacting Particle Systems
Location: ID 04/471+459
.IPS 12: Optimal Transport and the Role of Entropy
Location: HID
.IPS 22: Random Matrices and their Applications
Location: ID 03/471+463
.IPS 45: Recent Advances in Bayesian inference (New Researchers Group Session)
Location: HZO 20
.IPS 50: Bootstrap in High Dimensions
Location: HZO 10
.OCPS 10: New Directions in Change-Point Analysis
Location: HZO 50
.OCPS 37: Relational Event Models 2.0
Location: HZO 40
.OCPS 40: Statistical Analysis of Network Data
Location: HZO 30
.OCPS 49: Stochastic Processes Inspired by Models of Cancer Evolution
Location: ID 04/445
.OCPS 50: Probabilistic Models in Population Genetics
Location: ID 03/445
CPS 13: Causality 2
Location: HZO 60
CPS 27: Selective Inference and Related
Location: HZO 70
CPS 41: Covariance Matrices in High Dimensions
Location: HZO 80
CPS 53: Random Graphs and Networks
Location: ID 04/401
CPS 55: Stochastic Analysis
Location: ID 04/413
CPS 58: Functional Data Analysis 2
Location: HZO 90
CPS 59: Copulas and Dependence 2
Location: HZO 100
Coffee Break
Location: Foyer Audimax
Medallion Lecture - Moulinath Banerjee
Location: Audimax
Ising Lecture - Frank den Hollander
Location: Audimax
Date: Friday, 16/Aug/2024
Cox Lecture - Victor Chernozhukov
Location: Audimax
Medallion Lecture - Remco William van der Hofstad
Location: Audimax
Coffee Break
Location: Foyer Audimax
.IPS 06: Stochastic Networks
Location: HID
.IPS 11: Stochastic Models in Population Biology
Location: ID 04/471+459
.IPS 28: Inverse Problems
Location: HZO 20
.OCPS 05: False Discovery Control in Non-Standard Settings
Location: HZO 60
.OCPS 06: Emerging Directions of Time Series Analysis in Data Science
Location: HZO 30
.OCPS 20: New Trends in Bayesian Nonparametrics
Location: HZO 40
.OCPS 24: Limit Theorems in Stochastic Geometry
Location: ID 03/471+463
.OCPS 31: Graphical Models in Extremes
Location: HZO 50
.OCPS 45: Free Probability and Random Matrix Theory
Location: ID 03/445
CPS 21: Stochastic Differential Equations 3
Location: ID 04/413
CPS 23: Statistics for Stochastic Processes 2
Location: HZO 70
CPS 29: Statistics for Random Graphs 2
Location: HZO 80
CPS 32: Limit Theorems 1
Location: ID 04/401
CPS 56: Scaling limits, Gibbs and Markov processes
Location: ID 04/445
CPS 60: Some fundamental issues of statistics
Location: HZO 90
CPS 65: Recent developements in Statistical Inference
Location: HZO 100
Lunch Break
Location: Mensa
.IPS 10: Recent Advances in Sampling
Location: HID
.IPS 23: Modern Perspectives in Stochastic Control
Location: ID 04/471+459
.IPS 29: Inference for Infinite-Dimensional Parameters
Location: HZO 10
.IPS 41: Data Privacy and Algorithmic Fairness in Data Science
Location: ID 03/471+463
.IPS 44: Geometric Statistics (Royal Statistical Society Session)
Location: HZO 20
.IPS 47: IMS Brown Student Session
Location: HZO 30
.OCPS 03: Statistics of Financial Data
Location: HZO 40
.OCPS 07: Spatial Random Graphs
Location: ID 03/445
.OCPS 14: Recent Advances in Hypothesis Testing and Change Detection for High- Dimensional Data
Location: HZO 70
.OCPS 15: Ordinal Pattern Statistics
Location: HZO 50
.OCPS 21: Approximate Bayesian Inference with Variational Methods and Dimension Reduction
Location: HZO 60
CPS 07: Time Series Analysis 2
Location: HZO 80
CPS 18: Heavy Tails
Location: ID 03/419
CPS 31: Dynamical Models from Science and Economy 2
Location: ID 04/413
CPS 33: Limit Theorems 2
Location: ID 04/401
CPS 34: Gaussian processes
Location: ID 04/445
CPS 39: Risk and Related
Location: HZO 90
CPS 66: Algorithms for Clustering and Image Analysis
Location: HZO 100
Coffee Break
Location: Foyer Audimax
Schramm Lecture - Patricia Gonçalves
Location: Audimax
Closing Ceremony
Location: Audimax

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