Conference Agenda

Workshop - T11: Impacts Beyond the Academy: Effectively Leveraging Research and Expertise for Public Policy
Tuesday, 20/June/2023:
2:00pm - 5:00pm

Location: Shillman Hall - Room 305

Session Abstract

This interactive workshop is for faculty, scholars, and students who want their research and expertise to be used in public policy. Greater engagement beyond the academy is critical for providing a return to society for its investment in publicly-funded research, and public policy is one realm beyond the academy where such engagement by environmental engineering and science (EES) scholars can have significant impact. This workshop will provide participants with training and resources to effectively engage in public policy and advance the mission of AEESP to “increase equitable societal impact of environmental engineering and science scholarship.” Organizers: Drew Story, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Jason Ren, Princeton University; Holly Mayton, University of Pennsylvania; Colleen Naughton, University of California Merced; David Cwiertny, University of Iowa